1 Tone down your fashions. First impressions do count.
You can still wear brightly colored clothes, but look at the fit and the style.
Wear more tailored clothing, more put together.
2 Use manners. Try to be courteous without being stuffy or inflexible.
When meeting new people, shake their hand. A solid grip, but not too hard, two pumps of the hand and let go. Don't look at your hands; look them in the eye. Repeat their name and make an effort to remember it.
Avoid interrupting people during conversation; people find this irritating.
Don't play with things, look away, or fidget.
3 Have a genuine good attitude and a goodwill towards others.
Goodwill towards others is a sign of maturity because it shows that you have recognized that "we are all in this together." No matter what makes us different, there is more that makes us the same.
Give people the benefit of the doubt.
Be the "bigger person." If someone is rude to you, try not to return the "favor." If you can let it go, don't reply; silence is a good judge. If you can't let it go, simply tell the person that their comment was rude.
4 Have confidence in yourself and speak from your heart.
Voice your thoughts honestly.
Do not apologize for bits of quirkiness, oddities, or weirdness that you may have. They are part of who you are; not everyone can be the same.
5 Think before you speak. If you can't think of anything to say, or don't have anything nice to say, then say nothing.
6 "Be slow to anger". People that lose temper and/or self-control easily may be recognized as insecure or immature.
7 Learn to apologize sincerely for your mistakes, inappropriate words and actions towards others. It might take some practice and courage to overcome your pride, but remember: the best way to act mature is by being truly mature.
8 Listen, slightly nod, and say little things like, "Oh, yes," to let them know you are listening. Make sure you are actually listening.
9 Remember, when you speak, use facial expressions and be funny as usual, but be more serious in conversation.
10 Be helpful. Hold doors, help pick things up, and offer help and assistance when needed.
11 Talk about mature things to people: work, life experiences, and life lessons you have learned, or just about how beautiful it is outside. Notice how they carry themselves, how they dress, and how they speak.
12 Keep in mind, around kids, squat down to their size when you talk to them. Don't act fake when they tell you something that is a big accomplishment to them. Say, "Awesome!" or, "Wow, good job." Kids feel good when you are truly amazed instead of patronizing.
13 Try to use proper grammar and spelling whenever you write, including instant messaging and online games.
14 Keep an open mind. Just because you have never heard of or tried something, doesn't mean you should shut it out or dismiss the possibility. Rather, see it as an opportunity for you to learn about something (or someone) new and different.
15 Learn to control your temper. Above all, if somebody does something you don't agree with, try not to shout or carry on. Instead, let it go if it is a minor matter. If you must say something or disagree with someone, do so tactfully and in a conversational tone of voice. You'll find that people respond more positively, too.
16 Don't swear, or at the very least, save the swearing for times that really warrant it. Swearing mainly demonstrates to others that you have poor control over your temper. Instead, try learning some other words to show your displeasure with something. Something that's not up to your standards could be terrible, lousy, rotten, crummy, no-good, and so on. Many of these terms will help you zero in on what the trouble is, communicate more effectively, and perhaps even move towards a solution.
Try it! You will probably find that people will listen to you better and take you more seriously if you don't swear.
17 Accept compliments gracefully. If somebody has taken the trouble to compliment you, the least you can do is appreciate it.
18 Take criticism gracefully, too. Not all of it is valid, but it is often worth giving some thought to how others see you and what you can improve.
19 Be mature and polite online, too.
20.Quit drinking caffeine. This includes coffee, soda, tea and most energy drinks. Caffeine makes you hyperactive, which in turn, makes you immature. Try to not drink caffeine, but if you do, take it in small amounts. Sugar can also make you very hyper.